Microsoft Kills Stack Ranking

Microsoft has decided to get rid of its review system that ranked its employees along a bell curve. In its place, Microsoft will give employees more frequent feedback on their performance and managers will have more control over how bonuses are distributed. I believe this new system will have a positive impact on Microsoft because eradicating stack ranking allows the company’s environment to be less stressful. According to my research, Microsoft is now slowly shifting away from the more cut throat and political environment to a more family cultured work place. Building this new company culture of family and teamwork and the new approach to measuring performance can get rid of the competitive mindset of Microsoft’s employees. If the employees are constantly trying to put themselves in the spotlight in the place of their co-workers then sabotaging may occur which will be detrimental to the company. For a company to be successful, it is essential that the employees not only care about their own performance but also how they contribute to promote the success of others who work with them. Now that the employees can have the same objective and goals as their co-workers, Microsoft will be able to promote new levels of teamwork and business breakthroughs.

Works Cited:

Ovide, Shira. “Why Microsoft Dumped Stack Ranking.” The Wall Street Journal. November 12th 2013.

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